Who Needs Philosophy

Monday, April 19, 2010

UI Runner Up in International Moot Court Competition

DEPOK, KOMPAS.com - The faculty of law of the University of Indonesia (FHUI) joined the International Law Moot Court Society (ILMS) and won the second prize in the 2009 International Maritime Law Arbitration Moot (IMLAM) Competition which was held in Brisbane, Australia.

"The success was thanks to various parties’ contributions such as the Ali Budiardjo Nugroho Reksodiputra Law Firm and the Soemadipraja and Taher Law Firm," said Devie, the deputy director of the UI’s communications office here on Sunday.

The FHUI team was represented by Titis Lintang Andari (2005), Camelia Simbolon (2005), Bintang Taufiq Hidayanto (2006), Sasha Izni (2007), and Muhammad Subarkah 2008, with Miranda Anwar, S.H as the coach. The FHUI team advanced to the grand final after beating the University of Queensland (the host), and the National University of Singapore (NUS) in the semifinals.

The competition was participated in by 12 teams from 12 Universities in the Asia Pacific region and used the Common Law system, which is applied by the Commonwealth countries such as Britain, the United States, Australia, and Malaysia. Indonesia applies the Civil Law system. "With the different legal systems, the FHUI team has demonstrated its extraordinary capability of mastering the materials so that it could advance to the to grand final," she said.

The five-day competition was participated by Queensland University of Technology, Gujarat National Law University, the National University of Singapore, Padjadjaran University (Indonesia), the University of Hong Kong, the University of Indonesia (UI), the University of Queensland, and Murdoch University. The FHUI also won three more awards, namely the 2nd best memorandum for the claimant, the 4th best speaker for the general round, and the 3rd best speaker for the final round.

Earlier this year, the FHUI team also came out as the first winner in the International Humanitarian Law Moot Court Competition which was held in Hong Kong. "This is not only the success of the FHUI team, but the success of Indonesia in the international arena," Devie said.


  1. who knew 5 random people could actually survive staying in one room for a week (without a murder occurring)?

    btw you wrote "self-POONdering" in your profile XD

  2. U freak..and u noticed ”poondering”..hahaha...
